
News Alert! Deadline Extension for Community Gaming Grants in the Public Safety & Environment Sectors

Due to the current wildfire situation the application deadline for Community Gaming Grants in the Public Safety and Environment Sectors has been extended to October 15, 2018.   The Community Gaming Grants program distributes funds from commercial gambling revenues to not-for-profit community organizations throughout British Columbia. The program is intended to provide all eligible community […]...Read more


Volunteer BC / BCACG 50/50 Raffle

Draw Date: October 4, 2018. The winner can win up to $20,000 if all the tickets are sold! – More details and to purchase a ticket, click HERE...Read more

BCACG February News – New Staff Changes, Guideline Amendments, How to Program Descriptions

NEWS ABOUT STAFF CHANGES As the 2018 season opens we’re getting your calls and emails about the new year’s grant applications. I’m appreciating hearing stories of your successes and for some, of frustration and a determination to make a better application. I’m writing to tell you that I’ve accepted a new opportunity to do important […]...Read more

How to Write the Program Description

Section 4.1 of the Guidelines says that program eligibility is measured on four points: has operated for 12 months, demonstrates community benefit, is accessible and inclusive, and has a sustainability plan. Focus the Program Description on these four points. At the end, add a fifth point about how the funds will be used – the […]...Read more

Reminder of September 30 deadline for the Capital Project Grant

Important Reminder: The Community Gaming Grants program distributes $5 million per year to eligible not-for-profit organizations to assist with capital projects with a total cost of more than $20,000. Eligible not-for-profit organizations may be approved for up to 50% of the total cost of the project, to a maximum of $250,000. Organizations wishing to apply for […]...Read more


You are Invited! September 19th!

You are invited to the B.C. Government’s Community Gaming Grant Presentation for the Northeast Region on Tuesday September 19th 7pm-9pm at the North Peace Cultural Centre in Fort St. John. Join Mike Sherman, Outreach Manager, Community Gaming Grants Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, for a detailed information session on the Community Gaming Grants program. This is an […]...Read more


Upcoming Community Gaming Grant Workshop – Sept 26

Community Gaming Grant Workshop When: September 26 Where: 1015-1 at 2655 Main St. Vancouver For more details click here....Read more

The 2017 Volunteer Futures Symposium is an Eligible Gaming Expense!

While section 7.6 of the Guidelines indicates that conferences are a prohibited use of Gaming funds, the Community Gaming Grants Branch recognizes that the 2017 Volunteer Futures Symposium is an important source of current information about the Community Gaming Grant. Likewise volunteer training, related to the direct delivery of your approved program, is an eligible […]...Read more